Peer Group Effect

Highlights Examining the antecedents and outcomes of online peer communication. Peer group and tie strength with peers are two antecedents to peer communication. Peer communication affects the consumers purchase decision in two ways. The need for uniqueness moderates the peer communication impacts.

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International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) is an open access, peer-reviewed, International Journal, that provides rapid publication (monthly) of research articles, review articles and short communications in all subjects.

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In sociology, a peer group is both a social group and a primary group of people who have similar interests (), age, background, or social status.The members of this group are likely to influence the person’s beliefs and behaviour.

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News and resources for research on sport, exercise, and physical performance

Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) is a national non-profit alliance of local, state and federal scientists, law enforcement officers, land managers and other professionals dedicated to upholding environmental laws and values.

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Peer-to-peer file sharing is the distribution and sharing of digital media using peer-to-peer (P2P) networking technology. P2P file sharing allows users to access media files such as books, music, movies, and games using a P2P software program that searches for other connected computers on a P2P network to locate the desired content.

ren and teenagers feel social pressure to conform to the group of peers with whom they socialize. This peer pressure can influence how ren dress, what kind of music they listen to, and what types of behavior they engage in, including risky behaviors such as using drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol, and engaging in sex.

Peer review is the evaluation of creative work or performance by other people in the same field in order to maintain or enhance the quality of the work or …

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Social dynamics in the classroom: Teacher support and conflict and the peer ecology

Austin publishing group is an online open access publishers that provides access to quality open access, peer-reviewed journals after peer review process.

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