The Average Male Penis

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Lifestyles Condoms have conducted research into the average length and circumference of the erect penis during Spring Break in Cancun and found that the average penis length is 5.877 inches, with the majority ranging between 5.5 inches and 6.3 inches.

The average penis girth calculator makes use of worldwide average penis thickness information taken from various sources after moderation/refinement at our own end.

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When erect, average penis size swells to 5.2 inches in length and 4.6 inches in circumference.Penis size is one of the most common sources of insecurity for men.

Perceptions of penis size are culture-specific. Ancient Egyptian cultural and artistic conventions generally prevented large penises from being shown in art, as they were considered obscene, but the scruffy, balding male figures in the Turin Erotic Papyrus are shown with exaggeratedly large genitals.

There’s little or no correlation between the size of a flaccid penis and its size when erect. The data showed that a penis less than three inches long when flaccid increases in size on average by 260% when it becomes erect, whereas one more than three inches long when it’s soft only increases in size by 165%.

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Mr. Average Penis. A totally non-commercial site. Just trying to find out the truth about penis size and stuff.

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Chart of average penis length by age. From the illustration chart above it shows the penis growth rate starting from the age of 10 to 24 years and over.

The average penis size calculator makes use of worldwide average penis length information taken from various sources after moderation/refinement at our own end. While there is no such thing as a normal penis size for human males, the subject of ones penis size versus the average penis size will always remain an interesting and current topic.

A penis (plural penises or penes /-n iː z /) is the primary sexual organ that male s use to inseminate sexually receptive mates (usually females and …

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A description of all aspects of male sexuality, including penis size and health, penile anatomy, masculinity and sex.

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